Brian Gramoll
Hum Media
1 August 2013
Lost in Translation
The year is 2013 the people of the planet are in a technological state of fever. Everyday millions of email and texts are sent across the globe. Just set and near a busy road like Garden of the Gods and watch the drivers pass by not looking at the road but looking at their cell phone. The book The Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram is a wake up call for those that are lost in the technological world that we all live in. “And today you read these printed words as tribal hunters once read the tracks of deer, moose, and bear printed in the soil of the forest floor.” This quote from Abram tells as that the world in slowly losing site of the natural existence. In the past people depend on nature for their survival, and now nature is something the government must intervene to protect from the people that once depended on to live. The hunter that tracks his food for days to feed his family. Learning the natural trail so that he may hunt again to support his own. All anyone needs to learn now is to navigate to the nearest super market there all the supplies are at own finger tips. Furthermore, Abram has a chapter call The Forgetting and Remember of the Air. Yet again he is trying to remind us to remember where we came from. He speaks to us about the a Hebrew word ruach which is translated as both wind and spirit. The wind was the beginning of life and now we take it for-granted. Due to the fact that we are wrapped up with our technological lives. Lets that the class for example all the of our assignments are post to a computer which reaches out across the internet. Yet we visited many natural sites through out the city trying to get back to the natural world. God started with wind and now we do not appreciate that which was given to us. We think we can continue using our natural resources to our own advance without repercussion we had better think again. This book is a warning to world to not forget where we came from.
Wow Brian, well put. I agree with your overall position that the planet has been taken for granted. Natural resources is becoming a scarce source to some degree and we all need to definitely consider what God gave us and what we are going to take care of it. Abram has definitely opened my eyes to things that i have put on the back burner.-IM