Nicholas Miller
Assignment 2
Hum 3990
Florissant Experience
Ancient abundant lively lands reborn into an underwhelming plain. The Florissant fossil beds were once an exciting land,like no other on Earth. Visting the fossil beds today provided only a tease and reminder of what once thrived in this area of Colorado. My journey first began with a tour of the facility and a video. The video gave an overview of how the land went from thriving forest to slow moving space. While thriving, a volcano was once a readily explosive life form. This volcano provided the perfect conditions for scientists to analyze ancient fossils. A painted strory of all the life that once lived here. The second part of our journey concluded with a tour around the park. At this point, climate change was an idea that stuck in my mind. We then watched the scientific art of obtaining ancient fossils. During our tour redwoods were spread throughout the land. However the redwoods we came to see were petrified. They were once towering and blush. Walking the grounds you are constantly reminded of the past. I truly felt as if I was viewing the future from the past. Visualizing what was once here is a humbling feat to say the least. The visualization became more vivid with each step. As I drove into the fossil beds, I didn’t realize I was about to time travel into the past. With each step through the land I slowly gained perspective and realized I was the literal time traveler who ended up learning so much about why I am here and just how powerful mother earth and science intertwine into a sense of a calming storm of emotion.
And so the story begins
The scientific and art-like process
Environmental layers through time
A taste of mother natures power
Present day viewed from the past
Life and death intertwined
From old comes new |
great hoots