Part 1
I believe the journey of life is becoming lost in our society. Everyone, now lives vicariously through others, via social networking the availability of endless knowledge and the unwillingness to feel uncomfortable or make mistakes. In life, I believe there are two types of people. Ones who live based on what they analyze and critique behind the scenes or "screen". Then you have people who live on the other side of this lens and truly have the privilege of living life and exploring the clouds.
I am a human being. This key turning on my car is the same idea as an individual who decides to wake up everyday and turn that key. The first step that no person can avoid is whether or not to turn that key. I wake up everyday hoping I know what Im turning that key for. I try and ensure there is purpose to turning the key. I choose to not only but myself out there. I also, face the beautiful voyage and challenge of deciding what exactly "turns me on" every single day
I live to learn and grow. I live with the vision and hope my gorowth will always allow me to give back. I dont believe in just only giving back. I simply believe in giving because its our duties as humans, it is in our nature. I live life to inspire and empower others. I write this explanation with the upmost fulfillment an joy because before our class, I changed someones life forever. I change lives every single day by providing a path for one to understand life is what you make it. I am a personal trainer of ten years. I literally perform acts depicted in this picture everyday of my life. I take pride in how much power I truly have. Power gained only through past experiences and genuine passion for leading a life that is always going up.
This picture was taken at Over Easy on Tejon. The second I saw this piece, I knew I had the perfect image of the joys life can bring us. There is a never ending flow of ups and downs, textures and layers in each individual person. I believe these experiences make us who we are and looking at the big picture can often lead to enlightenment and finding your life's pattern of layers, textures, ups and downs. This picture represents life's experiences and asks the viewer if you have figured out what makes you, you. Life can truly be complex and seem overwhelming. When I saw this, I understood that each layers and texture all stems back to each individuals life. Some layers are engraved in us, while some textures are decided by the individual alone.
My story ends with a question to all of us. Is your life defined and are you aware of what flowing your web of experiences make you, you? If you are enlightened and in pursuit of living without a lens or screen then you will understand my implied idea. If you dont understand what this picture paints you, then I challenge you to stop living based on others. I challenge you to listen to what your mind, body and soul are whispering to you everyday. I simply, challenge you to stop watching and waiting for life to happen and to get off the "couch". Whatever form of comfort your theoretical "couch" may provide, it will always mean you are not truly alive. I discovered my "couch" was self doubt and feelings of not being good enough. My "couch" was fear of failure. Through hard work, dedication and mistakes made, I have earned awareness. I am worthy. I am not going to dictate my self worth on someone elses experiences I truly define myself by looking at myself. Awareness of something so deep as this has led me to realize each person has a choice of what reality means. For me, I stopped letting external variables, or inaction get in my way. I know I will pursue my dreams at any cost. If you avoid yourself, you are lying to yourself and in turn unconscious to what life means. Understand this on a deep level and you truly never are concerned about whats the meaning of life is. You never worry about what could happen when we die. Religion becomes irrelevant, blaming others ends. Joining the crowd to be comfortable is not right for every single person. My story is truly about engaging others into taking accountability for any voids in life you may have. They can be filled by you, or by someone else. You decide.
Part 2
“The way we see things is affected by what we know or believe” (8) Any person is simply a product, just a product, of their life’s experience and environment from conception. I relate this simple statement to give perspective on Bergers view in chapter 1 stating; “The art of the past no longer exists as it once did. Its authority is lost.” This suggestion is based on his logical empathetic variety of examples provided to prove the power of the image. The image is so powerful in fact Berger pleads his point, “That is why- and is the only reason why- the entire art of the past has now become a political issue.” (16) The future can be shaped and molded. Freedom is essentially lost due to what you see in the world. I believe the third artist represents this wide range of what man sees and just how it can dictate ones future. This artist who suffers from a terrible degenerative disease, is leading a life of watching others perform actions he never can. In his exhibit, we see this idea at its most naked form. He yearns to do something he never will be able to do, dance and perform. Through his perspective, I as the viewer was affected. This story forced upon me in my environment will affect me in special ways I couldn’t comprehend as a product of life. I was forced to relate to a man who can’t lead the life he wants. Or, as my experience unfolded. However, I do not know this man. I do not know him! He could hate dance and movement. He could have a simple agenda that is selfish or enriched in bad intention. But I interpret sorrow for him and give him an off guard and open mind. I could be taken advantage of by being forced to engage with his emotion, thus changing my life and stealing my true freedom.
Propaganda, I believe is literally a concept that every person faces with each and every single step they take. Are you truly living for you? Or, are you living for someone else because of what your environment provides you? I agree with Berger on every level. Look at religion! Look at what human beings make issues out of that don’t mean a damn thing at the end of the day. Gay marriage? Welfare? Abortion? Taxes? Terrorism? Its all shaded and masked by imagery. You and I have been molded and pre-destined to have the separate views we hold. There are two sides to every story. I truly believe no one person has the choice to really be free anymore. We are all socially engineered in some way. How can we really ever be free and choose what stories we see or choose how to interpret them?
- John Berger, Ways of Seeing (London: British Broadcasting Company and Penguin Books, 1972)
Wonderful images!