Close your eyes; open your ears, what do you hear? I hear the chirping of birds, the bright sunshine on my upturned face. The cool shade provided by the trees. The sound of the dried grass cracking beneath my feet with every step. I inhale deeply, filling my lungs with the pure air instead of the polluted smog ridden air of the city.
In Florrisant, you almost become one with nature. It's almost overpowering the sure beauty of seeing what once was still alive and preserved. Seeing past and present collide as one, with the new tree growing inside the trunk of an ancient redwood. Their roots intertwined as if it was their manifest destiny to meet. The one keeping the other other alive, yet neither one being able to survive without the other.
The fossil beds were almost breathtaking. It truly let's you see how small you really are in the world. The fossil beds let you see how things we have today looked a million year's ago. Taking a glimpse into the past, really put's things into reality. Even though we all know the facts about dinosaur's and life before us, it almost feels like a myth or a story. Simply because it's not in our face every day. Seeing the old redwood trees, and the water line from the old lake really let's your imagination run. It takes you back to being a child again and running with the dinosaurs, it truly is a remarkable experience.
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