Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Animal Poem

'Drip, drip, ring, beeeeep, cackling.'
"Do I really laugh like that?", I think.
Living with a speaking bird is a lesson in humility.
Nobody understands the animal kingdom.

The early morning repetoire starts.
'Hello.  I love you.  Are you okay?'
Nothing is audible until it's just right.
A perfectionist just like his momma.

Oliver may not be fancy to look at,
But his variations of grey are endless.
His face is white with a black beak.
And his tail is a brilliant red.

He is an interesting perspective on my own life.
A mirror of sorts, interpreted by his own views.
Repeating phrases at the most inappropriate times.
He sure creates a lot of laughter!

Oliver, my 21 year old Congo African Grey parrot,
performing "Kung Fu Chicken" pose.

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